martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

Political Marketing

During the whole year, we have seen different lessons of drawing, speeches,... And we have learnt a lot about what marketing is, how it works, different ways of selling a product...
This time we had to chose posters from 2019 general elections, and analyse them from a marketing point of view.
In this poster of PSOE we can see the party leader Pedro Sanchez in a black and white background and the slogan in red letters. The slogan is directly directed to you and gives you importance telling YOU are the one that has the power to make it happen refering to a change. This poster is quite efective because PSOE has won the elections. In my opinion, I consider it as a good poster because te difference between colours and the slogan refering to yourself are quite effective.
'Haz que pase' es el lema de campaña que utiliza el PSOE en su cartel electoral
In this poster of Ciudadanos we can see their party leader Albert Rivera walking victoriusly like in a western movie to you with a background of Spanish flags. The slogan referes to yourself and also motivates the reader to take part with them (Vamos). It also uses a rim to make it easier to remember. In my opinion, it is also realy effective because of the picture and like the western reference of the photo.
Albert Rivera pide el voto con un cartel donde prima un '¡Vamos!' gigante

In this poster of Podemos we can see that the leader of the party, Pablo Iglesias, does not appear in the poster. Instead of that, we can see the colours of the party and the slogan "La historia la escribes tu". This slogan focuses in yourself talking directly to you encouraging voters to vote them to "write history" and "make a change".  I don't really like the poster because it isn't attractive to me due to it's background and colours.
Podemos apuesta en su cartel electoral por darle todo el protagonismo a la gente

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Radio programme

After having some lessons and work to do about audio we are going to do a new work. This time, we were asked to do a radio programme. We hav...